Episode 63: Kevin’s Dad

Do people get little signs from God or from loved ones after they die? There are strong feelings on both sides of this issue. Many people tell you that this is impossible, and those people use very different points to defend this view. An atheist would tell you that...

Episode 62: Hannah Christine’s Mom

I have often thought how nice it would be if I could just wear a sign around my neck that said, “I am grieving. My child is dead. Be nice to me.” I think others might go out of their way to be a little more kind. They might ask if they could do an errand...

Episode 61: Intimacy after Child Loss

Today’s episode is far different than the average Always Andy’s Mom episode. We dive into a topic that I never would have considered on my own. About 2-3 months ago, a listener wrote in to me asking if I could do an episode focusing on intimacy with...

Episode 60: Sydney’s Mom

For most of my adult life, I had claimed Romans 8:28 as my own personal Bible verse. ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’ I clung to that verse, believed it and tried...

Episode 59: Hannah’s Mom

Waiting is hard. Ask any 5 year old who is waiting for Christmas, a birthday or even traveling in the car on a road trip. They wait impatiently, expectantly. They may even drive their parents a little crazy. ‘How many days until Christmas now?’ ‘How...

Episode 58: Joey – Pregnancy After Loss

My regular listeners know that some of my biggest pet peeves as a bereaved parent are the well-meaning platitudes given by others to try to offer comfort. Comments like, ‘she is in a better place’ or ‘everything happens for a reason’ tend to...