Episode 29: Grieving in a Pandemic

After a week off due to the COVID pandemic and the stresses surrounding it, I decided to restart the podcast. I tried stuffing my grief down deep into myself, feeling like it was not important enough to give any attention to during these trying times, but that is not...

A New World

My regular listeners know that every Thursday morning, I release a new podcast episode. Today, that is not happening. I feel like over the past week and a half, the whole world has changed. COVD-19 has changed everything. Everyone seems to have an opinion, ranging...

Episode 27: Andy’s Director/Charlie’s Brother

Music. It carries such emotion for me and so many others. I remember thinking even at a young age that Andy ‘felt’ music. When all three kids would be practicing the piano, I could always tell when it was Andy’s turn. He certainly wasn’t the...

Episode 26: Eddie’s Mum

In today’s episode of Always Andy’s Mom, we go international for the first time. My guest is Eddie’s mum, Jennifer from the UK. Jennifer reached out to me over Twitter last month. It is her goal, as well as mine, to help change society by removing...

Episode 25: Anne Cathryn’s Mom

Episode 25. It is sort of hard to believe that I have met this milestone. Overall, I know that I just started publishing episodes 5 short months ago, but what has been accomplished actually blows me away. I now have listeners and guests from across the country and...