by Marcy Larson | Jan 20, 2022 | Grief, Podcast
Today’s guest, Karen, says that in today’s society, we all suffer from a lack of ‘loss intelligence’. We are taught so many things in our lives, both intellectually and emotionally. We are taught how to love others and even how to love...
by Marcy Larson | Jan 13, 2022 | Grief, Podcast
I have a confession to make. I have been lying to you all for almost two and a half years now. In my defense, I did not know that I was lying so I guess maybe technically, it is not a lie, but I do need to apologize regardless. I have said from the very first Always...
by Marcy Larson | Jan 6, 2022 | Grief, Podcast
Courageous. Brave. Strong. These are words that people often use to describe those of us who are bereaved parents. ‘You’re so strong! I could never do what you are able to do!’ Statements like this actually irritate me somewhat. I am not courageous...
by Marcy Larson | Dec 30, 2021 | Grief, Podcast
Support from other grieving people can play such an integral role in our grief journeys. Being able to talk with people who ‘get it’ can bring us comfort. Witnessing those who are just a little further along in their grief story can inspire us to know that...
by Marcy Larson | Dec 23, 2021 | Grief, Podcast
What do yellow irises, a winter planter and a $10 bill have in common? They are all parts of amazing stories in today’s podcast. The holidays are an especially difficult time to be grieving. It seems that everyone around you is happy. Their smiling faces often...
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