100 Episodes

Two years ago when I started this podcast, I really didn’t know what the future held. All I knew was that I had this overwhelming feeling that I was ‘supposed to’ start a podcast. Almost immediately, I started fighting back at the idea thinking it...

Podcasts by Category Page

I have now released 88 episodes of the Always Andy’s Mom podcast! It is actually hard for me to believe. I love hearing from people all around the world and am so honored to help parents share their stories. Recently, I have had people asking about what specific...

Listenable Launch

Two months ago, the senior producer at listenable.io wrote to me about the possibility of teaching a course on grief for their relatively new platform (started in August 2020). If you are not aware, Listenable is an app where you can sign up to take short courses on a...

An Answer to Prayer

I’ve got to share a story of our spring break trip. Our first stop was seeing my friend,Chrisy, in Clarksville, TN on Good Friday. Her son, Caleb died almost a year to the day after Andy. We had a really nice visit. She had recently gone on their first family vacation...

A New Bio

Monday evening, something happened that hit me hard, causing my grief to swell and overwhelm me once again. A simple, ordinary email came from my office. We are going through a major remodel at work, and we are updating our webpage at the same time. Our personal bios...


Today marks 29 months since my dear son, Andy, died. Every day of those 29 months, I have remembered him and missed him. Every day going forward until my last day on earth, I will remember him and miss him. As time moves on, other people forget about Andy and those...