by Marcy Larson | Nov 1, 2020 | Blog, Grief
Two years ago, when my son, Andy, was killed in a car accident, my whole life felt like it was over. The road back to find a little bit of joy again has been long and hard. There are twists and turns, and sometimes it even feels like I am moving backward. Regaining...
by Marcy Larson | Oct 29, 2020 | Grief, Podcast
Waiting is hard. Ask any 5 year old who is waiting for Christmas, a birthday or even traveling in the car on a road trip. They wait impatiently, expectantly. They may even drive their parents a little crazy. ‘How many days until Christmas now?’ ‘How...
by Marcy Larson | Oct 22, 2020 | Grief, Podcast
My regular listeners know that some of my biggest pet peeves as a bereaved parent are the well-meaning platitudes given by others to try to offer comfort. Comments like, ‘she is in a better place’ or ‘everything happens for a reason’ tend to...
by Marcy Larson | Oct 15, 2020 | Grief, Podcast
When Luna contacted me a few short weeks ago, sharing that her son, Hunter, had died suddenly while he was sleeping, my heart broke for her as it does whenever I hear these tragic stories. I thought about the grief journey that she had just begun and how challenging...
by Marcy Larson | Oct 8, 2020 | Grief, Podcast
When today’s guest, Crystal, found out that she was pregnant at a young age, she says that she thinks many people thought that her life was over. In some ways, I guess it was, but not in the way they supposed. From the moment Isaac was born, she knew that he was...
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