Episode 14: Derek’s Mom

Today is Thanksgiving Day here in the United States, a day in which we are supposed to feel grateful and thankful for all that we have. For a grieving parent, feeling thankful seems like a foreign concept, a distant memory. After Andy’s death, those grateful...

Episode 13: Camilo’s Dad

On today’s episode of Losing a Child: Always Andy’s Mom, I talk to Camilo’s dad, Doug Van Doren. Since recording the first episode with my husband Eric, I have only spoken with women, so it was nice to get another dad’s perspective. We discuss...

Episode 12: Gwen – Surviving the Holidays

On today’s episode, Gwen and I discuss the struggles of getting through the holidays with a heart that is grieving and broken. Grieving is hard work with days that are good and other days that are terrible. Triggers come. Sometimes the triggers are out of the...

Episode 11: Nathan’s Mom

On today’s episode, I talk with Michele Shedd, Nathan’s mom. Michele knew from her 20 week ultrasound that her infant son had a condition that would not allow him to live more than a few hours at most. Despite this fact, she and her husband made the...

Returning From Leave

  Today marks the one year anniversary of the last day that I saw patients before I went on ‘medical leave’ for my grief. I continued to do administrative work on and off, but I stopped seeing children and families. It was just too painful. I returned...