Episode 111: Davids’s Mom

When Liene’s only child, Davids was killed at the age of 7, she didn’t know how she and her husband would survive it. Davids was their only child – their joy, full of life and energy. Suddenly, while riding his bike at the park, that life came to an...

Episode 110: Luc’s Mom

Like many young boys, Luc loved sports. He loved playing soccer and baseball and like every good Canadian boy, Luc loved hockey. His mom, Lianne, says that she thinks what he really loved was being part of a team. He didn’t enjoy having the spotlight himself,...

Episode 108: David’s Mom

Parenting can never be described as easy, but parenting when your family is suffering after the death of a child is beyond difficult. Grief is everywhere, surrounding the family in all that they do. Simple tasks are suddenly not at all simple. In many ways, just...

Episode 107: Corey’s Mom

Nine years ago, when 6 week-old Corey was admitted to the hospital for generalized weakness, everyone assumed that he had some sort of infection. His mother, Stephanie, thought that he would get some medication, maybe some IV fluids and then she would be able to take...