Episode 168: Katie’s Mom

Meeting today’s guest, Lisa, for the first time on Zoom felt like meeting an old friend. When I was thinking about what to write for this episode, the word that first came into my mind was ‘community.’ That’s what Lisa creates – she creates connections between people...

Episode 167: For That I Am Thankful

I have often heard people being encouraged to be ‘thankful givers.’ It is supposed to inspire us to either give with a thankful heart or be thankful for a giving heart or something along those lines. When we are grieving, however, there is a new almost unimaginable...

Episode 166: Alex’s Mom

Our kids should be here. It is simply wrong that they are gone before us. It just is. Nothing that we do or say can make sense of the senseless tragedy of the deaths of our children.When Stef’s 16-year-old son, Alex, died suddenly by suicide, her world was shattered....

Episode 165: Chloe’s Mom

Today’s guest, Melo, knows that her life changed in a moment 11 years ago when her infant daughter, Chloe, died. With that death, her life was split in two – the time before Chloe and her new life ‘After Chloe’. After Chloe died, Melo really threw herself into...

Episode 164: Savannah’s Mom

Those of you who follow me on Instagram and Facebook know that I have been posting video clips of my interviews over the past several months. I usually pick out three or four short highlights that I think others might appreciate. This week was so difficult for me...