Episode 119: Godwinks with Gwen

What do yellow irises, a winter planter and a $10 bill have in common? They are all parts of amazing stories in today’s podcast. The holidays are an especially difficult time to be grieving. It seems that everyone around you is happy. Their smiling faces often...

Messages from Heaven 2021

For the past two years, the Always Andy’s Mom podcast has had a Christmas episode focusing on hopeful stories, little messages we have received from heaven or from our loved ones. (They can be found at www.andysmom.com/17 and www.andysmom.com/67). I love it when...

Episode 118: Brogan’s Mom

When today’s guest, Dana, lost her son Brogan in a freak accident at the young age of 10, people watching her from the outside might have thought that she would be able to handle it a bit ‘easier’ that other parents. You see, Dana is a pediatric...

Episode 117: Loving Life After Loss

On the day that Marie’s husband, Rob, died suddenly of a brain aneurysm, Marie’s young son asked her a question through his tears, “Who will take care of us now?” Marie’s answer was quick and definite. “I will. I will take care of...

Episode 114: Grieving Through the Holidays

It is heard both in song and in general conversation that this is ‘the most wonderful time of the year.’ For those of us who are grieving, however, nothing can be further from the truth. We often approach this holiday season with feelings of dread, rather...