Episode 281: Aaron’s Mom

This past year marked an important milestone for today’s guest, LeeAnn. Aaron was killed in a car accident 18 years ago when he was 18 years of age. It never hit LeeAnn until last summer when someone asked her two questions: How long ago did Aaron die? How old...

Episode 280: Felicity’s Mom

“Medicine has reached the end of what it can do for your daughter. Our suggestion is that you take her home on hospice and enjoy her.” These are the words that were spoken to today’s guest, Nikki, on September 30, 2020. Before that day, Nikki and her...

Episode 279: Holiday Recap

Congratulations! You did it! You made it through Christmas and New Year’s! I highly doubt any bereaved person has ever had these words said to them, but today, I say them to all of you. It is tough to be a grieving person during the holidays. It is difficult to...

Episode 278: Ephrem’s Mom

I would consider today’s guest, Kate, a born caregiver. I could sense her caring spirit immediately. Before losing her 12-year-old son, Ephrem, Kate worked as a birth doula and was in training to be a midwife. She loved supporting new young parents as they...

Episode 276: Zach’s Mom

Christmas Day was always Mary’s favorite day of the year and 2020 was no different. She was happy as she watched through the window as her husband made snow angels outside with her grandchildren. The day seemed perfect despite the fact that her son, Zach had...