Episode 239: Randy’s Dad

What is a miracle? Many people have told today’s guest, Freddie, that his son, Randy, was a living miracle. Few would have argued that point. Randy was diagnosed with cancer at 4 1/2 years of age. After conventional chemotherapy and radiation failed to treat his...

Episode 238: Blake S’s Mom

When Sandy first contacted me after her son, Blake’s death, I never imagined that less than 2 years later she would be sharing his story on the podcast. When Sandy wrote to me, it was only 6 weeks since Blake had died. The pain was palpable throughout her email....

Episode 237: Corban’s Mom

Last July 4th weekend, I had the honor of going to a very sacred space with two bereaved moms, Dixie, and today’s guest and dear friend, Michelle. We retraced the steps that Michele and her family took on that fateful day on July 4th, 2020 when Michelle lost her...

Episode 235: Jake’s Mom

We as grieving people often feel as if we are being judged by others. If I laugh or smile, will people think I am ‘over’ Andy’s death? Will they think I don’t care or think about him anymore? If people see me sad and crying, will they think...

Episode 234: Chad’s Mom

When Susan’s 19-year-old son, Chad, died in September 2020 during the pandemic, it was an extremely isolating time, but she and her family were also completely exposed. Chad was a healthy, young athlete who died from an extremely rare neurological disease called...