Episode 15 : Alexander’s Mom

On today’s episode of Losing a Chid: Always Andy’s Mom, I talk with Alexander’s Mom, Nancy. She is one amazing lady with an amazing sense of humor. I have to apologize right away for the length of the episode. I usually try to keep episodes just...

Episode 8: Eric’s Mom

Dentist Kim Harm’s 19 year old son, Eric, looked like he had everything going for him. He was a smart, talented jazz pianist who had just finished his first semester at Columbia University. He had been elected to the student council, was getting excellent grades...

Episode 7: Jenny and Angie’s Sister

On today’s episode, I speak with my dear friend, Michele Thorson. Michele and I became friends shortly after I moved to Grand Rapids, 15 years ago. Michele’s mother had recently died and my mother had died about 10 years prior to that so I was able to...

Episode 5: Gwen – The Early Days

Today’s episode is the first of several where Gwen and I discuss specific topics related to grief. We decided to start at the beginning, those horrible first few days after the death of a child or another loved one. Originally, I planned for this to be Episode 7...

Episode 2 – Gwen Kapcia on Grief

Gwen Kapcia Gwen Kapcia, a social worker and certified thanatologist (study of death and dying), will be a regular contributor to the Always Andy’s Mom podcast. She has been working with grieving families for years and has so much to teach others. In...