Two months ago, the senior producer at wrote to me about the possibility of teaching a course on grief for their relatively new platform (started in August 2020). If you are not aware, Listenable is an app where you can sign up to take short courses on a wide range of topics. Each lesson is 3-10 minutes long and each course includes about 8-20 lessons.

I am excited to announce that my 12 lesson course was released just a few days ago! I titled the course ‘How Do I Grieve?’ It is not focused just on child loss, but on all types of death loss. I hope that it will be able to help spread the message of hope after loss to a wider range of grieving people.

You can listen to Lesson Number 1 by clicking below. If are interested in listening to the rest of the course, you may use the link, Normally, Listenable costs $5/month, but using this link will give you a 30% discount. You can also sign up for a free 7 day trial. Any money that I make from Listenable will go back into Always Andy’s Mom to help my podcast listeners.