Well, today is a big day for me. I have officially started writing my book. In addition to the podcast, I have really felt led to write a book to tell my story more completely. I want to share Andy with the world and to show others what this horrible crazy journey of grief is reallly like. I don’t want a sugar-coated book like the many I have read. I really have been inspired by Anna Whiston Donaldson and her book, Rare Bird. It certainly will not be the same as her book, but I want it to feel as genuine.

Thank you so much to the many who have encouraged me. It seems like a big first step. I just never knew how to start. So far, the words are flowing, about 1300 so far so not too many. I hope and pray that sharing the story can continue to feel like this.

I also am opening up to start speaking at various churches about grief, especially about the loss of a child. Let me know if you have an event where you might like me to start. Please share the post with others who might be interested.

Also a reminder to listen to last weeks podcast which I released on Thanksgiving. It turns out that Thanksgiving is not a popular day to listen to podcasts! Anyway, it was a really great one where we delve into the complications of addiction.

I released on Thanksgiving. It turns out that Thanksgiving is not a popular day to listen to podcasts! Anyway, it was a really great one where we delve into the complications of addiction.
