Episode 224: Tattoos, Trips, & Toys

When I saw that December 28th was a podcast release day, I immediately thought of my mom and of the ‘Be Still’ tattoo that I got last year in honor of Andy on the anniversary of my mom’s death. I knew that I wanted to do a Livestream the week between...

Episode 219: Thanksgiving Grief

‘What are you doing for Thanksgiving this year?’ This is a question that I have been asked dozens, if not a couple hundred times over the past month. They want to know if we are traveling. They want to know if we are hosting for Thanksgiving. They want to tell me...

Episode 212: Vulnerability and Grief

Vulnerability is defined by dictionary.com as ‘willingness to show emotion or to allow one’s weaknesses to be seen or known; willingness to risk being emotionally hurt’. It is a wonder that anyone would ever allow themselves to be vulnerable. If you are a...

Episode 177: Groundhog Day

When I noticed that a podcast release day fell on Groundhog Day and it would be on a day when I would be recording with Gwen, I knew what the topic had to be. To me, grief feels a lot like the movie, Groundhog Day which was released 30 years ago. In the movie, Bill...