Episode 165: Chloe’s Mom

Today’s guest, Melo, knows that her life changed in a moment 11 years ago when her infant daughter, Chloe, died. With that death, her life was split in two – the time before Chloe and her new life ‘After Chloe’. After Chloe died, Melo really threw herself into...

Episode 163: Paige’s Mom

When I was in the deepest, darkest pit of grief, it was almost impossible for me to think about taking care of myself physically. If you are struggling in this area, today’s guest is perfect for you to hear. She is focused on performing self-care every single day. She...

Episode 156: Chris W’s Mom

When Kellie sent an audition tape to be on Ellen DeGeneres’ Game of Games in 2018, she was a teacher, making the tape with her students hoping to be be selected to be on this fun game show. She had an abundance of creative energy. At the time, Kellie was passionately...

Episode 154: Angelo’s Mom

I feel like I have so much in common with today’s guest, Sheila. Perhaps that is why even though I have never met Sheila in person and only talked with her remotely, I consider her a good friend now. Throughout Sheila’s adult life, she has become used to being able to...

Episode 151: Jackson’s Mom

After Andy died, many well meaning people had all sorts of ideas of things that we could do in his memory. People encouraged me to go to our state capitol to work on registration to combat distracted driving. People recommended scholarships to be made in Andy’s name,...