by Marcy Larson | Nov 23, 2023 | Grief, Podcast
‘What are you doing for Thanksgiving this year?’ This is a question that I have been asked dozens, if not a couple hundred times over the past month. They want to know if we are traveling. They want to know if we are hosting for Thanksgiving. They want to tell me...
by Marcy Larson | Nov 16, 2023 | Grief, Podcast
‘What if?’ This question haunts many bereaved parents long after their child dies. My ‘what if’ questions tend to be: What if I hadn’t let him change before we left for the game? What if I had picked up the ticket so we didn’t need...
by Marcy Larson | Nov 2, 2023 | Grief, Podcast
Vickielly’s son, Artin, lived for only 20 hours when he was born last year, but those 20 hours changed her forever. The compassion that she developed for others who are suffering reached new levels. From Vickielly’s 20 week ultrasound, she and her husband...
by Marcy Larson | Oct 26, 2023 | Grief, Podcast
If you watch the video of this week’s podcast on YouTube or watch clips on the AlwaysAndysMom Instagram account this week, you will see a beautiful picture of Andrea’s daughter, Taylor (also known as TT) sitting right behind her. On the picture, are these...
by Marcy Larson | Oct 19, 2023 | Grief, Podcast
Timing. It is said that timing is everything. Although timing may not be everything, it does make a great impact on so much in life The other day, I lost a precious earring that my husband had given to me as a gift. We looked and looked for the earring thinking it was...
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