Episode 286: Eric & Threads of Gold

This week’s podcast was supposed to be from a Livestream I had planned to do with Gwen earlier this week. If you follow me on Facebook, you already know that the Livestream was canceled. Gwen got very sick with Influenza A, making it impossible for her to do the...

Episode 271: AJ’s Mom & Dad

Choose Joy. This is the motto that today’s guests, Jen and David, decided that their family would follow after a prenatal ultrasound showed that their fourth son AJ would be born with not one, but two newborn abnormalities. He had achondroplasia as well as a...

Episode 269: David Kessler: David’s Dad

When David Kessler’s publicist asked if he could come on the podcast to promote his newest workbook, Finding Meaning: Grief Workbook: Tools for Releasing Pain and Remembering with Love, I felt honored. David Kessler is one of the world’s foremost experts...

Episode 260: Clara’s Mom & Dad

Before our children are even born, we have dreams for them. We think of what they will be like as babies and the personalities they will develop as they grow. These dreams only get more real after they are born. Clara’s dad, Joe, says that as he sang to Clara as...

Episode 257: Looking Back

This week is one that I have been dreading for a while now. Every year, as the calendar turns to August, I feel my dread and anxiety go up and with that, an increase in headaches and other physical symptoms as August 15th comes closer. Last year was especially bad as...