Episode 254: Blame & Forgiveness

I have thought a lot recently about blame in the context of grief. When a child dies, it is natural for feelings of blame to emerge. Whether we blame ourselves, blame our child, blame another person, or even put the blame on God, there is a lot of it to go around....

Episode 242: Grandparent Grief

When a listener suggested that we talk about grandparents and grief, I thought that it would be a good topic for one of my Livestream episodes with Gwen, but I never realized how much I would learn myself. As you all know, Andy’s 20th birthday was last week so I...

Episode 236: Grief & Feeling Out of Control

Recently, Gwen and I have been starting to struggle to find new topics to discuss on our Livestream episodes. Eric suggested doing an episode about how bereaved people can feel like life is out of control, especially early in grief. After Andy died, I felt like our...

Episode 230: Grieving in Community

As the new year began, I was asked a question. ‘What is your goal for the podcast this year?’ I thought for a minute and then answered, ‘I want to help create more of a community of grievers.’ I know that many people tune in to listen to me...

Episode 219: Thanksgiving Grief

‘What are you doing for Thanksgiving this year?’ This is a question that I have been asked dozens, if not a couple hundred times over the past month. They want to know if we are traveling. They want to know if we are hosting for Thanksgiving. They want to tell me...