This week’s podcast was supposed to be from a Livestream I had planned to do with Gwen earlier this week. If you follow me on Facebook, you already know that the Livestream was canceled. Gwen got very sick with Influenza A, making it impossible for her to do the Livestream. I told her not to worry at all and that I would just ‘wing it’ so to speak. (By the way, Gwen assures me she is beginning to feel better.)

This made me think of the saying, ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.’ Thinking back over the past six years since Andy died, I realize I have been forced to make a lot of lemonade. When I think back to ‘the old Marcy,’ I probably would have been a little panicked at the prospect of recording, putting together, and releasing a podcast episode in only two days. This is a great reminder that in many ways, this new Marcy is a better version than the old one. I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore and I think that my ‘winging it’ produced a pretty good episode this week.

During the first portion of the episode, I invited Betty to come back and talk about the ‘Threads of Gold’ book I have been mentioning on social media and during the last few podcasts. As a reminder, Betty and Kyle are the parents of Ella (Episode 138) who started a non-profit, Ella’s Umbrella, in their daughter’s memory to help fund research for congenital heart anomalies. Their newest endeavor is ‘Threads of Gold’ and I was thrilled to be one of twenty-six authors invited to a part of this anthology. The book tells stories of grief and loss and how we persevere through life’s tragedies.

The second portion of the podcast this week was extra fun for me. My dear Aunt Penny, an avid listener of the podcast, loves the episodes I have with Eric because he always makes me laugh. Every time I do a show with Eric, I learn something new from him, and I realize we should do more episodes together. Eric and I talk about how our marriage has changed since Andy died and how men grieve. We also answered a few other questions listeners have asked over the past two days. 

Thank you Betty and Eric for helping make some tasty lemonade today.