When David Kessler’s publicist asked if he could come on the podcast to promote his newest workbook, Finding Meaning: Grief Workbook: Tools for Releasing Pain and Remembering with Love, I felt honored. David Kessler is one of the world’s foremost experts on grief and loss. He has written six best-selling books over the years, including two that he co-authored with Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. He founded the website grief.com, which boasts over 5 million yearly visits.
Despite these accolades, I admire David most for his approach to life after becoming a bereaved dad. When David’s younger son, David, died suddenly in 2016, he found that he could not prepare for such pain. David says that he wanted to call every grieving parent whom he had counseled to say he hadn’t understood the depth of their pain. David told grieving parents to start therapy and go to support groups, but he did not know just how difficult that was for a newly bereaved parent. David says that it took him three times to get the courage to attend his first grief support group. He sat in the group staring at a table with his books on it, no longer the grief expert, but instead a bereaved dad.
After the death of his son, David learned so much that he hadn’t truly understood before. He learned that the pain of grief was incredibly deep, but if you took time to excavate through the pain, meanings could be revealed. With the blessing of the Kubler-Ross family in 2019, David wrote a new book, Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief. Since the book was published, he realized that a personal workbook might be an even better way for people to find meaning in their lives. David says the workbook is a way to ‘get the pain out of you and into the workbook.’ It is a truly healing experience to complete the workbook.
I want to close today with what David said to me at the end of our interview. ‘See the meaning you are making in the lives you are touching.’ Every time you talk to another person, you are making meaning, whether you go on a podcast to share your story with thousands or sit at a kitchen table and share with one person.
I am sending you Andy’s mom and David’s dad my heart felt condolences and prayers. I am also unfortunately in your grief journey group. I understand that this is our new normal life journey. My daughter Tanieka “Tee” passed away at the tender age of 34 on October 29,2021 due a Massive Heart Attack. My heart was broken into a million of pieces. My life has not been the same since. I join Mending Hearts Ministry (MHM ) they save my life. Amanda Cordero is the CEO and founder. 13 of us mothers put out a book called Gracefully Broken Beautifully Restored. I am learning how to cope and live this new normal life and embrace it one at a time. God Bless you both. #Tee’smomforever34 ❤️💜#Dr.ColeyPitchford ❤️💜