After Daphne’s 5-year-old daughter, Lydia, was killed in a car accident 15 years ago, Daphne struggled to find any hope. She dreaded looking at her daughter’s closed bedroom door. Her therapist gave her a bit of advice that she still lives out all these years later. Daphne’s therapist told her to ‘sprinkle a little bit of Lydia’ throughout the house so Daphne did. She put Lydia’s favorite nail polish on the counter and hung Lydia’s feather boa on her curtains. She worked to leave little bits of her precious daughter everywhere.
Now after 15 years and a move to a new house, there are not quite as many of Lydia’s possessions around the house, but the spirit still applies. Daphne has written a book about her grief journey, co-authored another book, and been a contributor for a dozen others. She has a blog called ‘The Sweeter Side’ on her website, grievinggumdrops.com. Through her writing, Daphne sprinkles a little bit of Lydia in order to bring hope and healing to grieving parents everywhere.
Now, Daphne has a new dream. Over the years, Daphne has met many grieving moms, especially through Compassionate Friends and Ellie’s Way. She has followed many bereaved moms (including me) on social media and noted how many of us are working to bring little bits of hope to grieving families. This gave Daphne an idea. What if she asked these moms to submit their own little stories to make a collection? This collection would tell the stories of their late children as well as give little messages of hope – little stories that could help to inspire other moms on their own grief journey.
So that is exactly what Daphne is doing. She is collecting 52 stories from 52 different moms to make a book that a grieving mom would read over a full year. Daphne still laments the fact that it took her so long to find any hope in her grief. She wants to provide a bit of hope each week to moms who are feeling hopeless. It is a gift to them as well as a gift to all of us who are contributing, because now we, too, can sprinkle a little bit of our own children out to others in the world.
To contribute, email DaphneBGreer@gmail.com
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