I have a confession to make. This is a hard week for me. In three days, we will have to ‘celebrate’ Andy’s 20th birthday. I have been thinking all week about what a 20-year-old Andy would be like. Would he have decided on a career path? Would he be dating a special girl? Would he still show some of his inner silliness? I’m sure that instead of me kissing the top of his head, he would be tall enough to kiss the top of mine. I’d like to think we would be headed out to visit him at college this weekend to make his birthday special.
Of course, I will never know the answers to any of these questions, and I feel that deep, excruciating pain once again. I walked upstairs tonight and tried to imagine for a second that I could go back in time and live my old life with my complete family for just one night. I have cried multiple times every day this week. Very few people at work or in my social circle have any idea that I am struggling. As I facilitated my support groups this week, there were moments when I could not even speak. I had trouble driving in traffic yesterday fearing another accident. All in all, I would describe myself as being a ‘hot mess’.
This is why this week’s guest, Ann, is like a breath of fresh air for me. Each week, before I release a new podcast, I listen to the episode from beginning to end. Ann was the perfect person to listen to this week. She has a caring spirit that flows out of her. She is open to talking about her struggles after losing her amazing son, Josh, but even in her struggles, she is an encouragement to me. After losing Josh, Ann turned to writing to help her in her grief. Her initial posts were written just for her, but more recently, Ann has posted her writings on her blog, annyarrowblog.wordpress.com. The more she writes, the more others reach out to tell her how much she is helping them in their grief.
By listening to Ann tonight, she reminds me that I am loved by God and many others around me. She shows me I do not have to hide or be ashamed of my feelings. I may still be a ‘hot mess’, but that is OK. Even when broken, we can all offer love and support to each other.
Marci, thank you for letting me share my story on your podcast. Recording with you was like a warm hug between lifelong friends. We met because we both have lost sons, and that alone can bond friends, but I know we would have already been friends had our lives been “normal.” You have a beautiful ministry and a way of pulling your listeners close and your friends in loss even closer. Thank you for what you do, and don’t stop. You are a treasure.